
Monday, November 25, 2019

Pastel art


                                         Pastel Art 

                          Last week on monday Our Class watched a Video on how to make 
                Pastel Art it was a very instresing video it showed 
                us how to blend and shade the pastels.  

                    Next time i would hope to smuge the black better but
               I still enjoyed making my art do you think can i inprove next time, in anyway 
                if you would like to watch the video that i did heres the                                                                         link.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Pick one plz

Thursday, September 19, 2019

being safe online

W.A.L.T being aware of phishing hooks and scams

Today I learnt tell the differents between fake and real websites and email ect.

I allready know a bit about scams and my nigerian prince uncle, 

if you want to know how to make sure a website is safe though make sure it has the lock at the url
also cheak if it has proper grammer and make sure to read all of it there might be bit of giveaways in the email.

I found this work pretty esay next time i wanna be a bit faster and not mess around.

If you want to know more please ask me in the comments.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

W.A.L.T   interact online safely and appropriately using the Netiquette framework

Today l made this poster in cyber smart its all about 

What is netiquette l hear you ask netiquette is
using your manners online, and knowing how to
deal with inappropriate comments/emails.  

I didn't really like doing this because i all ready knew 
what netiquette is I wasent that hard ether.  

If you want to know any thing about netiquette ask me in the

Friday, August 23, 2019

W.A.L.T know what a internal and external lines I think

in these two slides I showed what is a internal and external lines

I found this a bit fun but next time I would like to finish this more faster.

also if you want to ask me anything do it in the commets.