
Monday, June 24, 2019

The first underwater Olympics

decide on our purpose for writing 
my purpose was to make a good story that ends on a cliff hanger
my reflection i dont really like writing so i think i did good but i dont really want to do this again 

if you have any questions please tell me in the comments 

                    After years of global warming and ice caps melting the entire earth was covered with water
Which forced people to live on boats, or in water after years of not having an Olympics event because of the water duh the government came up with an idea: “why don't we have an underwater Olympics”
So it was arranged and the first ever underwater Olympics was born  every one could join but most did not because they were depressed about their houses being destroyed by the massive waves and members of their family being Thanos snapped out of existence. 
So four people showed up harry bob Dave and Liza four of the most fit people in the new world so they had planned to meet up before the race harry was bragging about how he will win “i harry will win this race while walking”  
“harry you couldn't win this race if you tried” snared Liza  
While Dave and bob
Just sat down and both ordered a bucket of fish sticks
when the fish sticks
Were severed Liza and Harry were arguing while Dave and bob just rolled their eyes
“I'm getting really sick of those two” bob said to Dave so  Dave said “come on bob lets go then”  harry and Dave leave as harry and Liza still argue about who will win.  
On the boat home bob and Dave talked about how Liza and harry are taking this race way to seriously bzzt the  boats TV flickered as the new news channel popped up breaking news the  underwater Olympics now has prize money the person who wins will get 900000000000000000000 [a lot of zeros] later dave and bob they looked at each other with greed in their eyes, it was like this for ten more minutes till the boat ride was over  “see you at the race bob” yeah you to” Dave said while starring
Hello ladies and gentlemen  with the prize money being leaked by the news yesterday it seems there is an influx of people  “get on with the race!” said a contestant OK OK first up we have harry v s Dave  let the race begin harry just walked while Dave ran Fast then in a split second a meteor hit everyone died the end

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Walt create a quality blog post 

Dlo how can i show that i have understood what makes a quality blog post 

today we made a quality blog poster in google drive, with with donna Yates why we did it to teach us how to make a quality blog post. The poster was about what we need in a blog post, what i learned while making my quality blog post.  I learnt how to use punctuation properly in a blog post and not make it look like a chore to read my post. 

how to make it well its pretty simple go on google drive click on new and selected google drawing, and from there i inserted images colours and text.

What did you think i need to improve on tell me in the comments.

My reflection
I enjoyed today i learned some things
I found that i enjoyed making my blog poster today
I found it hard to make it easy to read
and make a catchy title

what is on my dlo
good title
capital  letters
 links for my sources
hook in colours